Noxious Sector Projects
312 S. Washington St.
Seattle WA 98104

Noxious Sector Arts Collective

The Sun Will Eat Itself

A print in the window fades—part technical idiosyncrasy, part poetic inevitability—as if to reinforce the fact that images are subject to the same rules of the world as everything else... Except it's not really true.

There is something strange that happens in the Noxious Sector Projects window. Anyone who has seen the exhibitions will realize what it is—over the course of the month-long installations, the images in the window fade. But they fade more than images should, fade despite the ultraviolet inhibitors used to protect them, fade as though something didn't want them there.

We blame the sun.

It's almost as if the sun resents the exhibitions, insisting that the art works disappear—as if the sun were afraid that art would eclipse its own radiance, even if for only a moment. But it makes sense. Imagine the strange psychology of the sun. Always the source of light, never the one in the spotlight—is it any wonder that the sun has animosity towards the image? And yet, the sun is unable to simply refuse its role as light source for the images of others. Turning off the sunlight is not an option. And so the sun over-illuminates; light becomes so aggressive that the pictures begin to fade. The images begin to disappear, burned out of existence by the very light that makes them visible in the first place. It is as if the sun has decided to eat the image alive.

And so, a challenge. To the aggressive gaze of the daytime sun Noxious Sector Arts Collective counters with the sun's own image. Perhaps the ironic destiny of the sun is to destroy this image too—not Narcissus gazing longingly upon himself in the water but the Sun God hungrily consuming the images of the world—and eating himself in the process.