Victoria (BC) Canada. May 16 - June 14, 2008
Noxious Sector, in collaboration with Deluge Contemporary Art, is proud to host the
2008 World Telekinesis Competition -- a first of its kind event, in which teams from around the
world will compete to psychically influence the behavior of a candle. Players are not expected to
be physically present during competition, but rather will compete remotely from their home
locations around the world. The World Telekinesis Competition is an open event, and all teams who have
satisfied the submission requirements have been included in the competition. Please consult the schedule for match times and results (as available).
Winners of the 2008 World Telekinesis Competition
Click here for video of the 2008 WTC Final Match
Click here to download the 2008 World Telekinesis Competition Exhibition Catalogue (PDF file: 25.5MB)
or to order a print copy visit Perro Verlag Books by Artists
The Neurocritic. "World Telekinesis Competition." (January 8, 2008)
Patrick Blennerhassett. "Victoria hosts remote meeting of the minds." Victoria News (May 14, 2008)
Dan Kahan. "World Telekinesis Competition," a community segment on "The Daily," Shaw Television, Victoria (May 21, 2008)
Danielle Hogan. "Where There's Smoke, There's Fire." Monday Magazine (May 30, 2008)