2010 World Telekinesis Competition

Team Profiles

The Lady-bags

In the plastic world of the 21st century, the Lady-bags exemplify an Evolution of Humankind. Their plastic skullcaps allow them to retain ideas until sufficiently developed and ready to share. Their ideas, once conceived, rarely evaporate. Instead they share their thoughts clairvoyantly. The sharing is in the form of a spectacular performance of flight and fight, as they dance toward the flickering flame of unscented white candles. Their motto is: We'll be as good next week as we are today!

A Request on Behalf of the Team:
Take care of Lady-bags. No Bugging Allowed!

At the age of one week, Jaqueline demonstrates superlative powers. All other members of the team are in awe of her and dance quickly in her presence. As the team's leader she plans strategies and uses her tiny antennae to transmit the dance music. Her ideas are transparent and admirable.

Ellen is the Lady-bag with the potions necessary to support the team in their every performance. As the team's medical consultant her skull cap is geared to maximizing and preserving the freshness and crispness of thinking of her team. She is very agile and trips the light fantastic in response to the call of the leader!

Marilyn's passion is for the preservation of all indigenous lady-bags, not only those on her team. Those are the ones with black and/or red spots. Lady-bags are born with red spots. With power dancing the red turns to black, indicating increased soulfulness.
