Noxious Sector Projects
312 S. Washington St.
Seattle WA 98104

Scott Rogers

Empty Reliquary

Scott Rogers is a Canadian artist based in Glasgow, Scotland. Recent exhibitions have included Q.E.D. (AND Festival, Liverpool), Life Jacket Under Seat (Flip Project Space, Napoli/Toronto), Wireframe (American University Beirut), On Your Marks (Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Lethbridge), Area Studies (PM Galerie, Berlin) and Timeland: the Alberta Biennial of Contemporary Art (Art Gallery of Alberta, Edmonton). In 2012 Scott will be presenting his solo project Serendipities, False Starts, Recursions through a lecture and exhibition at the ODD Gallery in Dawson City, Yukon. Over the last few months, he has written texts on the works of Charles Stankievech, Michael White, Suzanne Dery (in collaboration with Sarah Rose) and Noxious Sector as well as contributing texts for the online version of Canadian Art magazine. Scott is currently an MFA candidate at the Glasgow School of Art and will pursue an exchange semester at the Staedelschule in Frankfurt am Main as a member of Simon Starling's class in 2011/2012.