2008 World Telekinesis Competition

Team Profiles

TR&D (Telekinesis Research & Development)

Jeff Werner (Canada) blogs without computers, eats without utensils, cycles without wheels, sings without speaking, travels without moving, breaths without exhaling, acts without thinking.

Jonathan Igharis (United States) is a culture-creative prepared to test his telekinetic abilities. for the past six months he has travelled extensively throughout the island-filled republic of the philippines in search of esoteric knowledge and energy. there, he became aware of his personal legend, and is now in continuous pursuit of higher, abstract states of consciousness and metaphysical being. his new-found knowledge has brought him to the netherlands, where he is now experimenting with a design technique he calls 'quantum ideation'. combined with his collective experiences worldwide -- stabilizing mother earth's chakras -- and the skills of his fellow telekinetic crew members, he his confident in the latent forces that be, within himself and through his third-eye vision.

Mr. Z (Austria) usually believes that telekinetic abilities shouldn't be used for purely entertainment purposes nor to persuade notorious skeptics. He is specialized in the sublime way of the so-called changing of the "ordinary." In his studies of the creative mind, through the use of parapsychological methods, he discovered that "people tend to believe." The ability to control time and particles gives him the opportunity to use the "material world" as his playground.
